"Inter (local)grate"
Erasmus+ youth exchange

Šaľa, Slovakia 29/10 - 04/11/2022
The project aims the participants to:
create a strong connection between local and international students in the country of your studies and between the partner countries
have the opportunity to get to know other cultures through multicultural events and
talk about own culture without stereotypes and judgements
share good practices of integration based on your experience
come up together with ideas of integration which can be implemented in the local communities back home
For further details please refer to the Infopack.

Food, accommodation and local travel costs (only during the activity program) will be covered 100% by the grant from local National Agency of Erasmus+. Travel costs are refunded up to the limit described in the Infopack.
Travel and accident insurance is a responsibility of the participants. You are advised to buy a regular travel and/ or accident insurance during your travel and your whole stay.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.